As a senior at Auburn University pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations, I am passionate about words and using them to impact others for the better. My time at Auburn has been nothing short of transformative, teaching me invaluable lessons and giving me friends who show me what living on purpose really means. As I transition into a new season of post-graduate life, I am eager to find a similar environment that fosters great relationships and teaches me new ideas and skills each day.


My time at Auburn has been the sweetest in my life, due mostly to the friendships I’ve built here. These are a few of my roommates who filled my college experience with the best four years of karaoke drives, movie nights, and the safest community to fall back on.

My family has shaped who I am in the best way. I am thankful for their constant encouragement, the laughter they always bring me, and the times I get to spend at home in Leeds, AL with them.

My hobbies and interests include playing tennis, reading on rainy days, constantly listening to Taylor Swift, and visiting local coffee shops. One of my favorite hobbies is traveling with friends. Here is a picture from our most recent trip to New York City.